West End Project
Located in the prestigious area of West End Ohope this home has one of the best views in the neighbourhood.
Although the site had some big challenges, with a very small build platform and quite a steep slope with limited access the design worked well.
Preliminary works involved cutting the site and extensive retaining walls. Detailed attention was required liaising earthwork contractors, engineers and surveyors with regular site meetings to make sure we came under daylight plane restrictions.
Extensive forward planning was completed before the build began to plan out how and when deliveries were to be set as large deliveries had to be craned into site due to limited access.
To add to the challenge the entire country was experiencing huge material shortages. Early ordering well in advance and great relationships with suppliers meant we were able to complete the project very close to our anticipated dates.
Fast forward to the present and the owners who had originally contracted us to build this home as their holiday home very quickly realised the magic of the location and now live there permanently.
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